Modern Slavery Act Statement (the “Statement”)

De Lage Landen Leasing Limited (“DLL”) condemns any and all forms of modern slavery. DLL respects the rights of all individuals and condemns any involvement in any matters that infringe upon human dignity. We are dedicated to protecting human rights (as defined in international treaties) along with employment rights regarding workplace and working relationships. 

We condemn any and all forms of human trafficking, exploitation and forced labour and expect, without exception, the same from our customers, business partners, suppliers and any other third parties we interact with.

This statement is in respect of DLL’s financial year ending 31st December 2023.

About DLL

DLL is a wholly owned subsidiary of De Lage Landen International B.V., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A. (“Rabobank”). DLL is a global finance partner for equipment in various industries. We deliver sustainable and effective solutions to move assets to market throughout the entire asset life cycle. This includes commercial finance, retail finance and used equipment finance. Our main financial products include hire purchase, finance lease, contract hire and loans. DLL operates

Organisational structure

DLL has over 300 employees in the UK (the “Members”). De Lage Landen International B.V. operates in the UK through DLL from its Watford office which is overseen by its own management team.

De Lage Landen International B.V. operates in more than 25 ”). 

Supply chain

As a finance company our supply chain includes IT, office, stationery, catering, and cleaning suppliers. As part of onboarding of business partners and third parties, DLL require confirmation of whether the Modern Slavery legislation applies based on their income, and if yes, confirmation that they have a suitable Modern Slavery policy in place. We have a thorough due diligence process for our suppliers as set out in our Procurement and Supplier Policy. We conduct annual reviews of this policy to prevent any form of modern slavery infiltrating our supply chain. 


We ensure every Member has safe working conditions and we pride ourselves on protecting Members from labour malpractice. During our recruitment process, thorough checks are completed to confirm the eligibility of our Members for employment in the UK, amongst other things. The rights of our Members are protected under their employment contract which limits the number of working hours. Our Members are paid in line with market rates which are above the national minimum wage and we cover this in our  Global Remuneration Policy

We provide our Members with an effective whistleblowing policy to ensure Members are aware of the steps to take when they need to raise any concerns and our Members are.

Our policies and procedures

Our UK Modern Slavery Policy  sets out the ways in which we comply with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This policy ensures that we are taking appropriate steps to identify, assess and to prevent the potential threat of modern slavery in and to DLL’s business at all levels.

This policy is further supported by several 

Code of Conduct  – sets the standard that is to be followed

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy – provides a Group wide framework to

Due Diligence – we carry out due diligence and, where required, enhanced due diligence, on our customers, business partners, and suppliers. DLL are committed to enhancing the onboarding process to

On an annual basis, we assess the risk of modern slavery occurring within our business model and take appropriate actions, as necessary, to lower that risk. We have most recently assessed the threat of modern slavery occurring in our supply chain as ‘low’; however, we acknowledge that some of the industries DLL operates in are considered as ‘high’ risk. High risk industries as identified by the Home Office study in 2020 (the most recent study at the time of writing this Statement) include construction and agriculture.


Updated and enhanced Modern Slavery training will be provided to all UK based Members in 2024. New starters will be assigned the training as part of their induction.

Future actions

To continue to increase awareness off the back of current actions and updated mandatory training.


This Statement, which will be reviewed annually and updated as required, has been approved by the DLL board of directors on 8th May 2024.